test The hotel industry has always been a very competitive market where being able to engage and secure customers have been the main priority. To achieve this, they have traditionally relied on various approaches, including different marketing approaches and strategies.
With the evolution and growth of technology, new ideas and ways to travel, such as Airbnb or Homestay, have revolutionized the way people travel and their expectations.

It’s estimated that by 2026, 73% of the total revenue from the travel and tourism market will be generated through online sales.
SMS texts have become one of the main ways the hotel industry can engage with their potential customers in an effective and affordable manner since most people are willing to engage in a conversation via text rather than a phone call or email.

In fact, specialized surveys show that an astounding amount of customers (around 72% of all surveyed) would rather book their travel with a company that communicates travel plans, reminders, and updates via text message.
In this article, we will show you why SMS marketing is the key for hotels to connect with their customers, the main benefits they can achieve, and how to get started.
Benefits of using SMS marketing for hotels
While other industries might need to get creative when thinking about the potential ways and uses this medium can offer them, the hotel industry can easily find a wide range of benefits from using SMS marketing.

For example, text messaging can help improve customer service by adding a new channel that clients can use to directly communicate with the hotel’s staff, avoiding oversaturating the traditional call lines while making this process less time-consuming for workers and guests.
In the same way, this medium offers the possibility of optimizing regular processes such as check-ins and check-outs. By moving this process to a mobile device, you can avoid the usual accumulation of people at the front desk, which can keep the resort’s staff away from other responsibilities that may also need their attention.
This channel also offers a valuable way of asking for and receiving customer feedback effortlessly, time-efficient, and conveniently. After their stay, hotels can send automated SMS to guests with direct links to surveys in which they can rate their experience in the business and even give suggestions for improvement.
The overall optimization of resources is one of the most valuable benefits this type of marketing brings to the table, offering the possibility of reaching a wider audience with bulk SMS campaigns in a more low-cost, automated way through a platform they already use.
How can hotels use SMS marketing?
Let’s take a look at a few situations in which the hospitality industry can use SMS marketing to its advantage:

Confirm, remind and follow up on reservations

This service helps customers keep track of their reservation status and ensures the hotel that their guests will stay with them as expected.
It also helps avoid future complications or mistakes with dates and absences and can even be used to follow up on potential clients who didn’t finish the last steps of a reservation or didn’t confirm their stay.
SMS booking

Hotels can also enable the option of making reservations by text message instead of using an external platform or a phone call. This way, customers can book a room quickly and even get an automated hotel booking confirmation directly to their mobile phones as soon as it’s done.
Promotions and discounts

This channel is often used as a way to promote a service or a special offer, and hospitality businesses can also use it as such.
You can offer your departing clients a special offer for their next stay, send them promotional SMS before tourism’s peak seasons, and even provide special services such as a discount on your spa services.
Welcome message

You can send an automated welcome message to guests who have just checked in. Use this opportunity to make them feel welcomed by reminding them of all the services they can access during their stay, or even offer recommendations of touristic spots and events around the area.
Room Service requests and confirmation

Another excellent use for this communication channel is to manage room service requests.
This is a very convenient way for customers to ask for room service without making annoying phone calls and waiting for someone to pick it up.
As we said before, many agree that text messaging is a way more comfortable way of communicating. For the staff, this can also be a great way to avoid order mix-ups, help with organization, and keep track of each client’s expenses during their stay.
Surveys and feedback

Once your customers have checked out of the hotel, and their visit is officially over, you can send an automated message asking for feedback about their experience in your hotel.
You can send messages with links to surveys where they can rate different aspects of their stay and give feedback about the things that could have been better. This is an extremely valuable way to know your clientele and find constructive criticism to improve your business in an easy, direct, and affordable manner.
Rewards and customer loyalty programs

As we already saw, your guests leaving the hotel is not the end. Another excellent opportunity after their check-out is focusing on making them come back.
This channel is excellent for promoting all the benefits of joining your hotel’s customer loyalty program, which helps retain those customers and boost the chances of future bookings.
You can also focus on offering certain rewards or discounts after their stay under the condition of them joining the loyalty program and keep them regularly updated about special offers for those who are members.
Hotels SMS marketing message samples
Hi [Name], this is [Hotel Name]. We wanted to confirm your reservation for two guests in a double standard room from 11/10 to 15/10. Please confirm your reservation by replying CONFIRM to this message.
Hi [First Name], tomorrow is the day! We can’t wait to have you with us at [Hotel Name].
Just a reminder: our check-in is open from 11.00 a.m. until 1.00 p.m. If you can’t arrive on time, please reply to this message with LATE CHECK-IN or contact our front desk at [Contact number].
Promotions and Discounts
Hi [Name], feeling some good music, appetizers, and cocktails? Join us for ‘Remember Night’ from 7 p.m. tonight at [Hotel Bar name] .
- [Hotel name]
Hi [Name], have you tried our spa services yet? You can now book an appointment or try any of our customized spa packages by replying to this message or calling our front desk at [Contact number].
Get all the information about our services here [Link to Spa Packages].
Hi [Name], we hope you enjoyed your recent stay at [Hotel Name].
We wanted to thank you for choosing us by giving you a discount for your next stay. Use the code LOYAL10 on our website to get 10% off on your next reservation with us.
Welcome Messages
Hi [Name], thanks for choosing [Hotel Name] for your stay!
Feel free to visit our website [Link to website] and see all the services you can access during your stay.
Hi [First Name], it’s official: you are now all checked in!
Excited to get started with your trip? We have created an events calendar and a list of hot spots around the area to give you some ideas on where to start [Link to website]
We hope you enjoy your stay with us - [Hotel name].
Room service
[Hotel Name] informs:
Hi [Name], we’ve received your room service request of [Order] for room [Room Number] with a total cost of [Amount] that will be directly added to your bill.
Your order will be delivered to your room in about [estimated time].
If you did not place this order, please reply to this message with CANCEL ORDER or contact our front desk at [Contact number].
[Hotel Name]:
Hi [First Name], thanks for your room service request.
Please reply to this message with your booking name and room number to confirm the order.
If you did not place this order, please reply to this message with CANCEL ORDER or contact our front desk at [Contact number].
Hello [Name], thank you for staying with us at [Hotel Name].
We hope you enjoyed your time here and hopefully will return soon. We would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to give us some quick feedback about your experience; we are always looking for ways to improve our services
[Link to survey].
Thank you for trusting [Hotel Name].
Hi [Name], we hope you found your stay at [Hotel name] pleasant.
Your opinion is very important to us, that’s why we would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to answer our survey about your experience with us [Link to survey].
We hope to see you again soon.
- [Hotel name].
Customer Loyalty Programs
Hi [Name], thanks for staying with [Hotel Name]. If you liked it here, consider joining our Customer loyalty program to access special offers and rewards. Find all the benefits and information here [Link to website]
Hi [Name],
You have earned 230 points with this stay, meaning you are now a Gold member. Congratulations!
Come in and get 20% off any of our spa and sauna services, and check all the new benefits you can access here [Link to website]. We hope you found your stay with us pleasant.
- [Hotel name].

How can you do it with Instasent?
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

How much does it cost?
Instasent adapts the cost rate of your SMS marketing campaigns depending on your specific needs.
Instead of offering monthly fees, with us, you pay for what you use: the number of messages you send or the specific budget you want to stick to.
You can check how much your campaign will cost in our price calculator below: