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A simple text message ensures a direct and quick conversation with the user. Through sending bulk SMS, you can get customers to have a positive image and opinion of your company. It's a perfect alternative in terms of quality-value, text messages at a low cost with endless benefits.
Regardless of the mobile phone that have users, whether is has 3G, WiFi or a basic phone without internet, SMS are available to everyone. Therefore, the opening rate of emails is much lower than SMS because emails cannot reach all users immediately, unlike SMS.


More and more people decide to buy online, but there are still many users who resist because of insecurities in the process. They feel hesitant at the time of giving personal details, in the delivery of the product and especially at the time of paying.

In the case of e-commerce, the us of SMS Marketing is spreading to add a fundamental value in the buying process: reliability.

  Here are some examples of SMS use for web pages that can help customers feel safer shopping online.

  • Security check and verification: Before confirming the purchase, the user can receive an SMS with a validation code to continue the process. In this way, Purchase confirmation: Once the payment is completed, the user receives a notification by SMS in which he ensures that the entire purchase was successful. It is a way to make the customer feel safe and confident about your services.
  • Offers and discounts: Through these kind of actions users receive information about different offers and discounts that can interest them. You can also send customized messages, wishing happy birthday, or for more specific holidays, giving it a more humane touch and ensuring customer loyalty.

Other examples, send useful information to your clients immediately. Get loyal customers!.

  • Transport tickets (bus, train, plane...).
  • Reservation of accommodation and location.
  • Tickets for shows (cinema, concerts, theatre).
  • Order number and delivery date.
  • Etc ...

Make your e-commerce a competitive company. Thanks to Instasent you can make a difference. Cheers! Start Now!

Instasent.com is the largest and safest platform of the SMS Marketing market for schools, training centers and courses, reinforcing schools, language schools, exams, graduate, masters ...

Take the opportunity to communicate efficiently with your clients, send and receive online SMS or integrate your center's applications with our API, this way you can automate shipments with relevant information customized for the recipients.

We offer the best prices in the market sending sms online, always using secure lines.